Holly Stevenson, Arrangement, 2020. As seen in Mother Art Prize 2020 on display at Cromwell Place October 2020.

Violet Costello, Touch Him, 2018. As seen in Mother Art Prize 2020 on display at Cromwell Place October 2020.

Procreate Project

Membership / Procreate Project

Procreate Project supports the development of contemporary artists who are also mothers, working across multiple disciplines.

Procreate Project was founded in 2013 and has grown to become a pioneering arts organisation for its ethos in innovation and sociocultural impact.

The main aim is to support the development of contemporary artists who are also mothers, working across multiple disciplines. 


In a climate where only 30% of artists represented by commercial galleries are women and as little as 3–5% of the artworks in major permanent collections in the U.S. and Europe are made by women artists, Procreate Project is an art organisation striving towards equal representation for [self-identifying] women working in the arts and creative industries.


Their new approaches and platforms also aim to drive the attention of the wider public to a broad-spectrum of themes that would otherwise be overlooked and devalued. They reach UK and international audiences, supporting traditionally side-lined themes like motherhood and childbirth. 


The Procreate Project umbrella includes events and exhibitions, commissions and productions of artistic works, Mother Art Prize, online platforms for the sale of original artworks and prints, online publications, and very importantly the Mother House studios – a unique model of artists’ studios with integrated childcare, where children are welcome in the workspace.