
Embassy of Chile in the UK

Re-Creating Memory: An entropic reading of the city noise

Hosted by: Embassy of Chile in the UK


This exhibition has already taken place

What's On / Past exhibitions / Re-Creating Memory: An entropic reading of the city noise

Past Exhibition Information

Oct. 4, 2023 - Oct. 8, 2023

Gallery 1

Embassy of Chile in the UK

A multimedia exhibition that invites the public into an immersive space reflecting on memory, history and social expressions. What does it mean to remember history and social changes through art?

Carola U Marín's multi-sensory exhibition is framed within a process of transition that has become the behaviour of recent years in Chile. Acknowledging the historical and political variables that mark the passage of time and the social milestones that define contemporary daily life. It is a transition that helps us to understand reality, resonating with past times that remind us that in Latin America, processes derive from permanent chaos. 

What is exhibited here is the result of making decisions that guide the will to connect the personal with the collective. Why do I manifest myself? Why do I register it? What do I do with this archive? Based on these questions, a method is proposed for understanding the time and space in which we find ourselves, where operations such as transforming the image into sound become tools for survival and reflection. 

 The exhibition addresses public space as a living entity, revealing the history and identity of places in transformation. By documenting and exploring different formats to decode urban space in Santiago de Chile, powerful archives of memory can be created through art and collaborative work. This exhibition states that looking back is a way forward. Revisiting history through art can be a form of reparation and of not forgetting. 

Curatorial text by Daniel Aguayo Mozó.


About the artist 

Carola Ureta Marín is a visual communicator & designer based in London. Her practice aims to contribute to communication processes, to make them more effective and understandable for everyone. If an idea can be coded into texts and then translated into different languages… what if that same idea cand also translated into shapes, colours, temperature, music or movement among others? 

​In her career she has carried out projects linked to cultural development, artistic projects and historical and scientific research. In 2021, she was part of the curatorial team of the Chile Pavilion at the London Design Biennale 2021, entitled ‘Tectonic Resonances’, which won the medal for the most outstanding overall contribution. 

​Her current work brings together her studies in Design, MA Cultural Management and MA Visual Communication. Her approach advocates constant experimentation, freedom of play through art&science, collaborative work, and the generation of projects that contribute to the improvement of democratic culture and environmental awareness. She considers Design as a powerful tool for encoding and decoding information to favour communication and understanding between human and more-than-human forces.  



About the curator 

Daniel Aguayo Mozó has a background in Architecture and Art. Over the past 8 years, his career has been focused on the design, creation, and production of aesthetic experiences, ranging from curating and content formulation to art production. His practice includes work for cultural institutions such as the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino and the Museo Regional de Aysén, as well as self-managed cultural spaces like Galería CIMA and Isabel Croxatto Galería. He has also been involved in independent projects such as the “Festival Planète Périphérique” in Paris and the exhibition “Overall there is no wall” in New York.  

He has been a part of multidisciplinary and creative teams linked to cultural promotion, managing to transcend his work and complement his interests with other forms of expression such as photography, writing, and video. Currently, he is the director of his own studio, SPECIFIC - Agency of Art.  


About the project Manager

Rosario Bellolio. Chilean Arts Manager and Creative Producer based in London, UK. With a decade of experience under her belt, Rosario has produced, managed and fundraised for a wide range of artistic projects spanning different mediums such as visual arts, film, poetry and theatre. Her international experience has given her a unique perspective on the challenges facing artists in different parts of the world, and she has a strong focus on building connections between Latin American artists and the UK.  

Rosario has a Master’s Degree in Arts Management from King’s College London, and she currently works as Programme Manager for the Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s RAISE: Arts, Culture & Heritage programme, championing the charitable giving for the arts and culture sector in the UK.  



Promotional Photographs: Maggie Viegener 

Assembly Assistant: Amir Bech 

Supported by The Chilean Embassy 

To discover more, head to www.laciudadcomotexto.cl


Images: (detail) Courtesy of the artist.

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Embassy of Chile in the UK

Embassy of Chile in the UK